Animal Winter Feed Appeal Launched By Mossburn Community Farm

Mossburn Community Farm Animal Centre is located on the road between Dalton and Lochmaben, near Lockerbie in Dumfries and Galloway, South West Scotland and was originally set up in 1987 to provide help for misused, abused, unwanted and neglected horses and ponies as well as young people with physical and mental problems.

This original remit was later widened, and we now care for all domestic animals except cats, dogs and donkeys which have their own specific charities.

The Team at Mossburn work very hard to look after their animals in the winter, but feed is very expensive and although they don’t like to do these appeals very often, they would really appreciate some help with funding the hay and haylage deliveries to keep the animals happy over the next few months of the winter.


Juanita Wilson (Founder / Volunteer Manager) at Mossburn said “We have had many large bills recently, including increased hard feed for the winter period and veterinary bills which will include today’s vaccinations of 11 horses and 8 rabbits.
We will soon take delivery of another 40 large haylage bales at a cost of £800 (£20 per bale) and we are using 4-5 bales of hay per day at the moment at £4 per bale.”

If you would like to donate towards hay and haylage or the recent vaccinations, any amount is very gratefully received, you can send via paypal by clicking HERE


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