Appeal Launched After Storm Damage Hits Kirkton Residents

30th December 2022, saw the worst floods to hit Dumfries and Galloway in over a decade. Large sections of the region were covered in stormwater, resulting in several villages on the outskirts of Dumfries being isolated and emergency services struggling to gain access to help those stranded within their properties.

One local village, Kirkton 3 Miles North of Dumfries became one such village, as local roads and surrounding fields were quickly overflowing with vast flood water, making it dangerous for residents to escape the increasing water levels.

One street, in particular, was hit badly when around midday the burn running behind and across Barrasgate started to overflow. By roughly 15:00 the water escaping the burn and surrounding fields, started to collect at the bottom of the street, resulting in several elderly residents being trapped inside their properties.

Thanks to the joint effort of the emergency services and the aid of 2 local men from Annan and their Tractors, the final residents trapped inside their properties were at last rescued and brought to safety within the village hall, where a hot beverage and soup were available.

Water levels around 22:00 were high enough to reach nearly the top of the street, and thankfully those residents whose houses were raised were mere inches away from seeing their own properties become flooded. In total 9 houses were damaged by the flood waters, with water levels returning to normal around 06:00 the following day (31st December).
Many of the properties damaged have seen their flooring, bedding, cooking facilities all destroyed, and whilst some have been able to return to their properties, there are those who are awaiting the local housing authority to make repairs to their homes, and make safe the electricity supply, and are currently staying with family members or in hotels whilst assessments are on-going.

Whilst the properties themselves can be made safe, the items within unfortunately can’t, and as such, many have seen themselves being placed into further hardship, whilst the whole of the UK is already deep within a mass cost of living crisis. Some property may never be able to be replaced, such as photographs, lost jewellery and other memorial and sentimental items, however one local resident whose own home was mere inches from being affected, believes through Crowd Funding, that some hope can be restored.

Jordan Tweedie (25), from Barrasgate, has set up a GoFund me page, where it is his goal to raise enough funds, to help those badly affected replace their white goods or flooring that was damaged due to the flooding.

Jordan says; “During these already difficult times, where people are choosing between, eating or heating, for something like this to occur is heart-breaking. Whilst some items may never be able to be replaced, it is my hope that collectively we can all come together, and help fund those essential items that can. Be it a new bed, where they can sleep warm, or replacing a damaged cooker, so they are able to cook themselves a warm meal.
Together we can help rebuild them a warm cosy home, were more importantly they can feel safe in. Even a £1 can go a long way, be it helping get a couple of cans of soup in their cupboard, or a nice cup of tea. Whatever they may require I hope that those throughout Dumfries and Galloway can come together and help via a small donation, or failing that gifting an item such as a cooker, or small fridge, if they have a spare one available. Together, lets help.”
At the time of writing, the GoFund me page has already seen 30 people kindly donate a total of £845, and whilst the goal is currently £2,500 Jordan states, his main goal is to help anyone within Barrasgate effected. He quotes; “Unfortunately I can’t help everyone, but I will help as many affected as possible.”

If you would like to help the residents affected, the GoFund me page is available HERE