Boyd Group Donates Visors To The Dumfries & Galloway Hard of Hearing Group

Over 50 volunteers have received specialist safety visors which will allow them to deliver services to people with hearing loss across Dumfries & Galloway

The Boyd Group, a family run business based in Dumfries which specialises in health and safety services, training and fire safety provisions and support, donated the visors on learning of the specific needs of people with a hearing loss.

Ann Ferguson, Dumfries & Galloway Hard of Hearing Group chairperson highlighted the plight of people with a hearing loss during the COVID-19 lockdown “ While almost everyone will have experienced different degrees of isolation people with hearing loss and those with poorly functioning hearing aids have been even more isolated” she added “ This could have left them unable to hear the television, use the telephone or have a conversation so it’s important that we are able to resume our services albeit on a limited basis as soon as its safe to do so”

All of the charity’s hearing aid care and maintenance services have been suspended since the Covid-19 lockdown but before they can restart on a partial basis all of the volunteers need to have the appropriate safety equipment.

Raymond Boyd, Boyd Group Founder and Managing Director said” It’s really important that these volunteers have the correct safety equipment, including face visors which will allow service users to lip read. Other face masks which obscure the mouth make it much harder if not impossible for someone with a hearing loss to follow what is being said”  He added “ Hearing loss is to a great extent an invisible disability but not being able to hear can have a huge impact on quality of life. We are delighted to be helping people with a hearing loss get back to some form of normality and to be able to access the help and support they need”

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