Have Your Say About Castle Douglas Local Place Plan

On Tuesday the 19th of March, the Castle Douglas local place plan steering group is holding a drop-in community consultation at the Castle Douglas Town Hall, from 4pm to 7pm.

The steering group urges members of the community to come along, write down their opinions on the questions the group has, and chat with the team. The opinions of the community are vital, for compiling and registering the local place plan.

So, what is a Local Place Plan? In 2019 Planning Scotland introduced these community-led plans, as a new right for communities to produce their own plans as part of the new Scottish planning system.

Local Place Plans contain the community’s proposals and wishes for the development and use of land. The local place plan must then be considered by local authorities and planning departments.

Who are the steering group? The group is made up of five volunteer members of the community and is a partnership between Castle Douglas Development Forum and Castle Douglas Community Council:

Colin Eade – Community Council Representative

Carolyn Yates – Castle Douglas Development Forum Chairperson.

Beth McKee – Castle Douglas Development Forum Project and Communications Manager.

Judith Turnbull – Local Resident and retired D&G council employee.

Tammie Kirk – Clan Canines, award-winning local business owner.

The steering group also has a website for the place plan which you can find by visiting https://media3174.wixsite.com/castle-douglas-local


If you have any questions, please email: [email protected]


You can also find an online survey to complete if you cannot attend the meeting on the 19th
