Community to Lead on New Plans for Dumfries Town Centre

A new community led project starting this month will bring together the views of local people, groups and businesses to create a 10-year priority action plan for Dumfries town centre.

This is a partnership approach led by Dumfries Partnership Action Group (DPAG) and Dumfries and Galloway Council, who have appointed place planning specialists Planning Aid Scotland PAS to develop the project.

DPAG Chair, Leah Halliday, said: “This action plan is different to anything that’s come before. It will build on previous work, bring together the public and private sectors, and provide us all with an agreed focus and direction to move forward as a town. This project will ask for people’s ideas for positive change. This is the community’s opportunity for their voice to be heard so that funding can then be found to make these improvements a reality. This plan is about strengthening the can-do spirit of Dumfries and taking real action.”


DPAG, is a volunteer group made up of local businesses and community organisations who, together, are actively involved in promoting change in the town centre.

DPAG membership is open to groups, businesses and projects with a connection to the town centre. The new Action Plan will also gather together research into the current position of the town and will be used to attract public and private investment that will breathe life into the future Dumfries that the community wants to see.

Recognising the need to adopt a fresh and collaborative approach in Dumfries, Councillor Rob Davidson Chair of Economy and Resources said: “It is recognised that to address persistent challenges in the town centre an open and inclusive engagement process must be undertaken to ensure the local community are central to any future vision for the area, and this is combined with a robust evidence base to strengthen action on the ground. A delivery focus is instrumental in attracting investment to Dumfries and in identifying local priorities for action.”


It is really important that as many local people as possible get involved in the making of this action plan, which is being facilitated and project managed by community engagement charity and social enterprise PAS.

Julia Frost from PAS says: “We are very excited to be working with the people of Dumfries, and listening to their views. Together, we can come up with a delivery plan for the town’s future which builds on all previous and current plans and activity. Look out for events over the coming months. We’ll also have a stall at the launch of Dumfries Market Festival on 14th March in Dumfries Town Centre, so see you there!”.


All are welcome to attend a first event on Tuesday March 3 (6.30pm-8.30pm) at Saint George’s Church Hall, hosted by Loreburn Community Council. For more info visit March Public Event and rsvp by contacting [email protected]om.

The final action plan will be ready around Summer 2020.

Full details of all events and progress with the project will be available on the DPAG website, which will launch very soon. Updates can be found here on the DPAG facebook page and on twitter @dumfriesaction


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