Dalbeattie & District Lions Club present Burn St Box with a cheque for £1000 for funds to help develop the project.
Burn St Box was started and is run by Dalbeattie businessman Paul Widdowson to give youngsters an opportunity for free to use sporting equipment after school. Initially started as a response to a small amount of antisocial behaviour the project has been very successful in creating a spirited response between the youngsters who can now go to the Box situated on Burn St to use the equipment anytime they want.
The project has been taken up by Dalbeattie Community Initiative who are helping Paul with moving forward in the future.
Dalbeattie Lions is a Non-Profit Community Org. Scottish Charity SC051235. Their aim focuses on today’s youth groups, clubs and schools and elderly residents in the town. and members complete community projects. Funding is raised by their town charity shop.