DGRI welcomes £310 donation

THE ALEXANDRA UNIT at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary has welcomed a £310 donation thanks to fundraising work by the children of Hightae Primary School near Lockerbie.


The pupils voted to support the Alexandra Unit with their first charity coffee morning since the COVID-19 pandemic, which took place in April this year. Events at the school included a raffle, lucky dip, nail-painting and tin can alley – all run by the pupils.


The pupils also picked the charitable cause to support with the funds raised. Their vote went unanimously in favour of the Alexandra Unit because they wanted to support a local cause, said class teacher Elizabeth Reynolds-Lewis.


She said: “The next job to do was promote the event. It just so happened that in term 3 the writing focus was persuasive writing – this worked very well indeed and the children designed the posters for the coffee morning. They worked in groups to produce four designs. These were printed off and the children delivered a poster through everyone’s letter box in Hightae, Greenhills, Heck and Small Holm, letting the community know of the coffee morning.”


Nick Mitchell, operational manager for Dumfries and Galloway Health Board Endowment Fund, said: “We’re immensely grateful to everyone involved in raising this very generous donation.
“The pupils at Hightae Primary School have put an enormous amount of work into organising the event – it’s very welcome that they chose the Alexandra Unit to receive the money. And they’ve been very well supported by their teachers, their families, and everyone in their community.”


PICTURE: children, staff and parents from Hightae Primary School with senior charge nurse Tanya Harkness at DGRI.

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