Dumfries Young Person’s Project Celebrates World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day was celebrated recently in Dumfries with a vibrant community event highlighting the strength and resilience of refugees.


Wheatley Homes South’s Young Person’s Development project in Troqueer hosted a party for its residents. In recent years, the project has started to support young asylum seekers who have arrived in Dumfries. It was originally created in 2012 to provide housing support to young people leaving the care system to help them transition from care to independent living.


World Refugee Day, established by the United Nations, is a global day dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of refugees around the world. It’s a day to honour their courage, determination, and the immense contributions they make to their new communities.


The event in Dumfries brought together the service’s residents, from a range of backgrounds, for an afternoon of food, games and discussion. They were joined by other refugees supported locally by Dumfries and Galloway Council as well as staff from the council, Wheatley Homes South and Youth Scotland.


Attendees mingled and enjoyed a delicious BBQ featuring a variety of cuisines from around the world, reflecting the diverse heritage of the young people who now call Dumfries their home.


They also heard from one asylum seeker who highlighted the traumatic experience of fleeing persecution and falling into the hands of people traffickers but praising the support they received since coming to Dumfries and how safe they now feel.


Anne Davies, Area Care Manager at Wheatley Homes South, said: “Everyone at the service was thrilled with how our World Refugee Day event went.
“It was so good to see so many people from different backgrounds come together to celebrate the day and the friendships they have made since coming to the project. It was a chance for the young people to speak about their journeys, mentally and physically, in getting here but also the way their lives have changed since they arrived in Dumfries.
“World Refugee Day is important and allows us to recognise the strength and resilience of refugees who have come to our country and who now call this town their home.
“Everyone at the project was really happy to play their part in creating a more welcoming and inclusive community here in Troqueer.”


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