Galloway Glens makes awards through the ‘Our Heritage’ Small Grants Scheme

The Galloway Glens has established a Small Grants Scheme to support projects that ‘connect communities with their heritage’, providing smaller awards to not-for-profit organisations. The first round of funding has just completed with 4 awards made totalling more than £14,000 being committed to a range of projects that will benefit people up and down the Ken/Dee valley and wider across the region.


McNabb Laurie, Galloway Glens Team Leader, said:

It is common practice for Landscape Partnerships such as ours to run a small grants scheme alongside the headline suite of proposals. This allows us to support emerging opportunities through our delivery phase and assist smaller projects. The four awards made in this first round of funding are a nice mix of projects from all over the Galloway Glens area, exploring some really exciting angles of our heritage. We will be publishing more details about the projects as they get underway. We also now launch the next funding round, with applications sought by midday on 12th April. Full details on scheme criteria and how to apply are on our website.”


Ted Leeming, Scheme Chairman, said:

“The Small Grant Scheme is a dedicated portion of our very generous main award from the Heritage Lottery Fund. We were delighted to see the range of projects received in the first funding round and while it is a competitive process, I urge anyone with a project in mind to look at the scheme criteria for our next round of funding.”


The Awards made in the first funding round:

  • Helping Butterfly Conservation run moth trapping nights undertaken by residents around the area, purchase moth traps and equipment.
  • Supporting Local Initiatives in New Galloway (LiNG) to install information boards and a website recognising New Galloway’s history as the smallest Royal Burgh in Scotland.
  • Assisting the volunteers at Carsphairn Heritage Group to digitise and publish historical records
  • South West Community Woodlands Trust will plant and raise awareness of local heritage fruit & nut trees, pruning & grafting courses and run an Apple Festival.

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