Heathhall Community Centre has set up a regular safe, warm space for people to drop in for a cuppa, a chat and time to chill with a book or enjoy a board game.
There is no charge and refreshments are also free.
DGWGO went along to chat with volunteer Judith Sauberlich
Judith said ” We’ve just begun having what we are calling the Heathhall Heat Hub, otherwise known as a warm space, and it’s just a new venture to see how we go with it because we’ve recognised that in every community there are people that are going to be struggling with the cost of fuel, the cost of living so we just offer a space to come and feel safe and sit and be social as well because that’s missing from a lot of people’s lives since COVID”
“They don’t need to be residents. They don’t need to feel that they meet any particular criteria.”
“We have put an application in for some funding from the council which we should be hearing about shortly but we decided we would just go ahead and start because basically if we’re heating the hall anyway it’s not a lot extra.”
The DG Locator website lists many of the region’s ‘Warm Spaces’ – DG Locator