Historic Environment Scotland Awards £5,882 Funding To Moffat Heritage Trust Traditional Skills Training

Historic Environment Scotland (HES) has awarded £5,882.00 funding to Humble Heritage and Working Party Traditional Skills Training as part of the Historic Environment Support Fund (HESP) Grant Scheme.


The Traditional Skills Training will take place in the Old Churchyard, Moffat from 23rd to 27th June. Cement pointing and vegetation will be removed from the rubble built sole surviving gable of the C15th parish church. Boulders will be re-bedded in and repointed with hot mix lime, stabilising the structure and ensuring its survival. The Humble heritage delegates will also have a PowerPoint presentation CPD and Q&A session one evening, as well as learning all processes of mortar mixing, rubble building and repair and rough wracking the top of the gable for best protection.


Niamh Ní Shúilleabháin, Chair of Moffat Heritage Trust said “This is a unique opportunity to upskill building professionals, novices and the whole community in learning about the topography, materials and resources of our vernacular built heritage, their care and repair and to build upon the fact that we as a community commissioned and funded our own CACAMP (Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan) back in 2019.”

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