Local Donkey Sanctuary Needs Your Vote To Win Lottery Funding

The Team from Farmersfield Rest-home for Elderly Donkeys are asking the public to please help Animals Supporting People at FRED to win up to £50,000 of  National Lottery Funding. Your vote could help this local animal-assisted therapy centre to be a winner in this year’s People’s Projects.


Animals Supporting People at FRED is a community interest company located in Dunscore at Farmersfield Rest-home for Elderly Donkeys.  It offers animal-assisted therapy to people of all ages who are living with mental health problems and/or recovering from trauma. (More about this at our website: http://animalssupportingpeople.co.uk )


At present all the individual and group therapy sessions with FRED donkeys and other animals take place outdoors.  People’s Projects finalist in the Borders TV region,  “Going Undercover” wants to build a covered structure to enable sessions to continue whatever the weather.


Voting opened at 9am on Monday 1 April at the People’s Project website.


To be in with a chance of fulfilling the dream of an indoor space for animal-assisted therapy sessions, Animals Supporting People at FRED is asking people to vote for Going Undercover at www.thepeoplesprojects.org.uk

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