Local Men’s Shed Group Transform Garden For Dumfries Treatment Centre Patients

A garden area at Mountainhall Treatment Centre in Dumfries has been transformed into a horticultural haven due to the hard work and creativity of a group of local men.

The Men’s Shed Thursday Club took on the task of bringing the space back to life, and now the area within the mental health outpatient department can be used by patients when attending appointments.

Members of the club gathered with Health and Social Care Partnership staff for a photo call to mark the finished project that involved clearing and cleaning the area, new planting and setting out new ornamentation.

The club is run in co-production by Healthy Connections Service NHS, Intellectual Disabilities Service NHS and Men’s Shed Dumfries.

Louise Cumbley, Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Director of Psychology for NHS D&G, said:

“I’m delighted with the garden area transformation and would like to thank everyone involved for their time spent on the project. After 15 months of not being used, the garden needed significant work to make it useable again for staff and patients to enjoy.
“From a patient perspective this is a welcome addition to the internal patient clinical area.  It is both accessible and secluded.  From a staff perspective they can use the space to take an outside break while being mindful of our patients’ need for it to remain a quiet, calm and reflective space.”

Sharon Young, Service Manager for NHS D&G Learning Disability Service, said:

“This is an excellent example of the co-production approach, as well as our own organisations’ teams working together. I’m delighted with what has been achieved in terms of the benefit for everyone involved.   
“It has been a pleasure to work with Men’s Shed Dumfries and our colleagues within the Health and Social Care Partnership to transform the area into a lovely garden space for patients and staff.”