Loch Ken, the largest body of freshwater in Southern Scotland has been long identified as one of the jewels of Southern Scotland, with an enviable location within the Galloway landscape, the UNESCO biosphere, Dark Sky Park and neighbouring Galloway Forest Park.
A range of organisations, agencies and businesses are now coming together to unleash this
potential, under the banner of the Loch Ken Trust (LKT). Following formal approval from the
Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), Loch Ken Trust has now been established asa registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).
The formal purpose of the Loch Ken Trust is:
“…to promote the natural, cultural and recreational assets of the Loch Ken area for the
benefit of the public and to support sustainable local communities.”Alan Smith, Chairman of Loch Ken Trust, said:
“This formal approval is the start of an exciting future for Loch Ken and the surrounding
area. Loch Ken Trust has been set up to put the community at the heart of decision making
that affects them. With all the uncertainty ahead of us, I would urge everyone to get
involved and help build a brighter future.”
Current Activity
Loch Ken Trust is already active around Loch Ken in the following ways:
• Loch Ken Boat Registration. LKT has taken over operation of the Loch Ken Boat
Registration scheme from previous systems operated by the Loch Ken Advisory
Management Committee. The Loch Ken Boat Registration officer operates on behalf
of all the motorboat access points on the loch, ensuring an effective control of
motorboat traffic.
• ‘Loch Ken Alive’ project. Working together with the Galloway Glens Landscape
Partnership and the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere, LKT has
appointed Barnaby Fryer to deliver this project. The remit of the Loch Ken Alive
Loch Ken Trust is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO): Number SC050211
project is to make Loch Ken one of the premier tourist destinations in Dumfries &
Loch Ken Trust has also been working with local communities during the current coronavirus
crisis, to prepare for the re-opening of tourism activity and the return of visitors to the area.
Loch Ken Alive officer, Barney, told us:
“Loch Ken is such an amazingly beautiful area. I am really excited about working with the
community to share this beauty with the world, in a way that preserves and enhances what
is so magical about the landscape. In these difficult times, the world is crying out for
examples of what a better world could look like. I believe that Loch Ken can be that
Getting Involved
Right now, Loch Ken Trust is looking to recruit members and trustees who can provide the
support and governance needed to make sure that its work provides the greatest benefits tothe whole community.
If you are interested in becoming a member or trustee, or would like to know more about
the work of Loch Ken Trust, please contact Barnaby Fryer, the Loch Ken Alive officer on
barnaby.fryer@lochkenalive.co.uk or through the Loch Ken Alive facebook page