Moffat & District Community Council Appeal To D&G Council About Towns Station Park

Moffat & District Community Council  have campaigned to Have Station Park given some attention and investment by Dumfries and Galloway Council.

A Spokesperson for Moffat & District Community Council has said “We have the drive, the vision, the ideas, the volunteers, and most importantly perhaps, the funds.
Unfortunately however we don’t own the park, it is owned by Dumfries and Galloway Council and so we need their approval and support to achieve the significant improvements that need to happen.
The council have committed to funding the new sand and water play feature which was approved and should have been installed last year. After many delays, without any good reason that we can see, the feature is not even close to being installed. We have been badly let-down by our council and this is completely unacceptable.
After 4 years nobody has been appointed to carry out the works on the middle pond which was due to be complete by late March. Once the work had been completed, perennial planting was scheduled to take place around the water park and middle pond areas. But as this work has not been agreed, never mind completed, the head gardener will look at temporary planting ‘to brighten up the area of the water park’.
We are entirely dissatisfied and increasingly angry at this ever-lasting display of incompetence. Our residents must live with the embarrassment and disappointment. Our kids are being let down. Our economy is dependant upon visitors and Station Park has long been one of the main reasons for people to visit Moffat.
The tourist season starts on 1st April this year and if the park is not ready by then, it is Moffat that will lose out.
We pay council tax and business rates. We depend on the goodwill and hard work of volunteers. On some projects we are even providing the money. We want to take pride in our town, but too often now, we are ashamed.
It is 6 weeks before the Easter Holidays. We wonder if staff at the council with responsibility for Station Park would look at the photos and feel as ashamed as we do?”

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