In March, a team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited New Abbey Primary to find out how well children are learning and achieving. Inspectors evaluated New Abbey Primary’s leadership and ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion as ‘very good’ and learning, teaching and assessment and raising attainment and achievement as ‘good’.
In a letter to parents, Education Scotland recognised the following strengths of the school. Key points included:
• The headteacher successfully leads and promotes a culture of self-evaluation at New Abbey Primary School. The whole school community contributes to leadership of change and improvement. This is supporting improved outcomes for children and families.
• All children know and understand the school values and demonstrate them in all aspects of school life. They have a strong understanding of children’s rights and enjoy nurturing and respectful relationships with each other and staff. This is contributing to a happy, inclusive and positive learning environment for all.
• The staff know all children well as individuals and track their progress carefully. This helps them to support children to make good progress in their learning. Children are benefitting from a wide range of approaches which are helping to raise attainment in literacy and numeracy.
• The school community works well together to ensure that potential barriers to learning and participation are addressed. This is helping to ensure equity of opportunity for all children.
Debbie Shuttleworth, Chair of New Abbey Parent Council said:
“I think it’s fantastic and I’m very proud of our wee school.”Inspectors reported that;
“The involvement of the whole school and local community in taking forward improvements is very effective. The headteacher takes a well-planned, inclusive and creative approach to ensuring that all stakeholders have appropriate opportunities to contribute their views and provide feedback. As a result, there is a strong collective understanding of the school’s improvement priorities and widespread recognition of progress to date and next steps.”Cllr Richard Brodie, Chair of the Council’s Education and Learning Committee commented:
“The teachers and children of New Abbey Primary Primary School deserve high praise for this inspection report. There is great leadership at the top and individual teachers provide wide-ranging learning experiences for pupils, ensuring that everyone has access to the curriculum. Children work together and create a welcoming environment for the whole school community. Well done everyone.”Cllr Maureen Johnstone, Vice Chair of the Education and Learning Committee went on to say:
“New Abbey Primary, should be very proud of what they have achieved, and advanced through shared leadership, equal opportunities and breaking down learning barriers, creating a happy positive environment.”
A copy of the inspection report can be found at