
New Partnership for The Usual Place and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

The Usual Place in Dumfries has announced a new partnership with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, helping them bring their ‘Good Connections’ project for autistic adults to an even wider audience across Dumfries & Galloway by using local Fire Stations as venues.

Launched in November 2023, Good Connections links autistic people into services, activities and opportunities for employment. Funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Inspiring Scotland, ‘Good Connections’ welcomes anyone who has a diagnosis of autism, identifies as autistic, or provides informal care to an autistic person. Visitors can have a warm introduction to some of the small group of organisations who have been invited to come along to each event to chat, connect, listen and find out about the relevant services and support available. They can also talk to staff from The Usual Place, some of whom have lived experience of autism.

Previously the events have taken place at The Usual Place in Dumfries, but after a successful pilot they are taking the event on tour throughout the region, starting at Moffat Fire Station on 31 July, then Newton Stewart Fire Station on 14 August. There are also dates set for Sanquhar, Stranraer and Gretna, with more in the pipeline.

Lived Experience Trainer from The Usual Place Luke says “This is a good opportunity for The Usual Place to work alongside the Fire and Rescue Service, promoting local organisations in a space where people feel safe.”
Good Connections Project Coordinator Alison Ball said “We are delighted to be able to bring Good Connections out to the community and into spaces that are familiar to local people. We look forward to working with partners around the region to link autistic people into services and opportunities, and to help identify any gaps in provision, which we will feed back to the Scottish Government who are funding the project. We are very grateful to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service for providing their spaces, which will enable us to hold even more events and reach a wider group of people.”
Lucy Donaldson, Station Commander at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, said: “We are so pleased to be able to offer our support to such a fantastic community initiative in Dumfries & Galloway. Good Connections is a wonderful project which will continue to benefit autistic adults across the area, and we are very proud of our contribution to this. We hope many more people can be supported by this programme in the future and look forward to seeing it grow in success.”

Dates and Venues

Wed 31 July, 10am — 2pm: Moffat Fire Station

Wed 14 August, 10am — 2pm: Newton Stewart Fire Station

Wed 28 August, 10am — 2pm: The Usual Place, Academy Street, Dumfries

Wed 11 September, 10am — 2pm: Sanquhar Fire Station

Tue 8 October, 10am — 2pm: Stranraer Fire Station

Tue 12 November, 10am — 2pm: Gretna Fire Station

Anyone who would like to find out more about Good Connections for Autistic Adults should come along to one of the events or contact Joanna or Alison at The Usual Place on: 07599 104 975, [email protected] [email protected]