Regionwide Coastal Benefit Fund – Now Open

Dumfries and Galloway Council was recently allocated a share of the net profits from the Scottish Crown Estate’s marine assets which totals just over £309k for the region.

The Council’s Communities Committee on 10th December 2019, Elected Members agreed to establish a ‘Regionwide Coastal Benefit Fund’ to invest this funding in our coastal communities across D&G.  Members also agreed which Community Council areas would be eligible to apply to the Fund and these are contained within the Guidance and Criteria.

The fund is now open for applications from any public and third sector organisations which will deliver new activities within the identified coastal Community Council areas (please note this fund is open to any public/third sector organisation in the identified areas and not solely Community Council’s) .

The deadline for completed applications to be submitted is 5pm on 23 March 2020.  Applications will then be assessed against the Criteria and Scoring Framework by an Officer Scoring Panel and recommendations presented to Members of the Communities Committee on 21st April 2020.  Awards will be made at the Elected Members Discretion.

For more information or to download the Application Form, Guidance and Criteria, please CLICK HERE to visit our website

Ward Officer’s will be the initial point of contact for queries within communities, please CLICK HERE to find their contact details.

If you would like any further information or to submit your application, please email [email protected] or contact me on 01387 260026

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