Signalling Flags With Environmental Messages From Dumfries & Galloway Flying In Glasgow For COP 26

Colourful flags made by communities in Dumfries and Galloway are flying in Glasgow, sending environmental signals from to world leaders at the vital COP26 talks. The flags, inspired by the International Maritime Signals Code, are a creative way of communicating the feelings of communities concerning the huge environmental challenges facing us all.


Last weekend hundreds of people joined a colourful parade and a ‘Dressing of The Ship’ ceremony that raised the flags on the majestic Tall Ship ‘La Malouine’ at Palnackie. In the run up, local artists hosted a series of community flag designing and making workshops in Palnackie, Auchencairn and Dalbeattie. Participants of all ages explored their concerns and anxieties around the climate crisis and their hopes, dreams and visions for a sustainable and just future and created flags that signalled their feelings.


The event at Palnackie Harbour featured The Isle of Cumbrae Pipeband, music from renowned musicians Pete Garnett and Greg Lawson of Moshie’s Bagel and The Samba Sisters. Two free soups were served, led by Jools Cox, food expert and chef from Castle Douglas. The soups and their ingredients explored the connection between past present and future global and local food systems.


Eco Art Trustee Rose Hall said “We are delighted that the flags are now flying in Glasgow sending messages from the region on crucial environmental issues. This is an imaginative way for people to express their environmental concerns and we’re excited that the flags are being seen by a wider audience at COP26 in Glasgow. We need urgent action to be taken on climate before it’s too late”


This is the first stage of the “LAND” project created by the charity EcoArt, which will continue to tour coastal towns in 2022, creating new flags with communities as it goes. Nithraid in Dumfries 2022 will be the last port of call for ‘LAND’ and the Tall Ship will fly all the flags in a colourful, visually stunning display.


About ‘LAND’


‘LAND’ is a year long project based on the International Maritime Signals Code, a key part of any ships means of communication. Through creativity, hospitality and imagination, LAND will enable communities to address the issues they feel most threaten our environment; from food production to climate change and, by making their own flags, offer a colourful way to signal their feelings. The ‘Flagship’ La Malouine will progress along the coast of SW Scotland in 2022 collecting and celebrating the contributions of each community with a series of open family friendly events until the ship is ‘dressed overall’ with all signal flags. Flags will be made from upcycled materials and their design and making, facilitated by experienced local artists.



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