The Stove Network Are Looking To Support Your Community Led Projects

Initially launched as a pilot project in January of 2022, with funding from the Scottish Government through their ‘Investing in Communities’ project, Open Hoose supported the launch of over 10 new local projects, which ran with, for, by and about the people living and working in Dumfries.

Open Hoose has now secured partial funding from Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund administered by Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway, to take the project into its next phase. The Stove Team is now on the hunt for new community-focused projects to support.

Open Hoose is a project at the very heart of the Stove’s community venue work. The team are looking to work with new (and established) community-led, grassroots projects, ones that will benefit from use of the Stove’s venue space, technical support, resources, and training that the Stove can offer, free of charge, to take even the most radical of ideas to the next level.

From bread-making groups to LGBTQIA spaces, climate activism and creative writing, Open Hoose is a supported project, tailored exactly to fit the individual (or group’s) aims.

Working with the Stove’s creative, marketing, production, hospitality and technical teams, new initiatives are trialled and developed through the charity’s community venue programme.

Of the project, Martin O’Neil, Artist Director at The Stove says;

“With the first round of the Open Hoose project, we’ve have been able to provide free meals and drinks service, technical support, creative development, marketing support and partnership development to help give ambitious ideas the space, time, support, and encouragement they need to develop. With this next round, we hope to continue to help develop and drive forward new community-focused ideas, and that have the potential to grow and resonate with the public.”

Can anyone apply to the Open Hoose?
Absolutely! The Stove want to hear from as many people as possible. So, whether you’ve never been to a Stove event or consider yourself a true ‘Stovie’, it doesn’t matter. They’re interested in hearing your idea and why this opportunity is right for you.

Can a group that’s already established apply?
Yes. It doesn’t have to be a new idea. Established groups that are already working are encouraged to apply. So, whether you’d like to have your activity in the town centre or could do with some support to try out something new, get in touch.

How many projects will be taken forward?
The Stove team want to be as flexible as possible with the type of support they might be able to offer and are open to hearing ideas, from events, workshops and discussion groups to podcasts, zine making and street art.

How do you consider proposals?

Key considerations are worth bearing in mind when submitting your ideas:

 How does the project seek to engage with the community?
 Is there a cause or activist drive behind the idea?
 How realistically to support something given our current capacity and resources.

Applications are now open and ideas can be submitted online via the Stove’s website here:

OPEN HOOSE – Call out

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