Thumbs Up For Stranraer Education Staff As They Raise Thousands For NHS

A large group of people who work in Education in the Stranraer area have been racking up the miles in an attempt to support the NHS.

Each member of the group has pledged to either walk or run 10 kilometres on their own, or alongside a family member who they are isolating with, over an 11 day period. The fundraiser started on Wednesday and 130 people have signed up to take part with 65 people having already completed their challenges.

There are significant numbers of staff taking part from Stranraer Academy, Rephad Primary School, Belmont Primary School, Stranraer College and Busy Bees Pre-School Nursery. Most other Primary schools in the area are also represented in addition to staff from other Organisations like Stranraer Development Trust, Police Scotland, Better Lives Partnership and Tarff Valley.

The group was set up by Teacher Neil Hyslop from Stranraer Academy who said “It’s been a real team effort with everyone playing their part. We don’t think there is a more worthwhile cause just now and it’s given everyone something to focus on during the current lockdown period. NHS employees regularly give up their time to come into our schools and colleges on a regular basis so it’s good to be able to try and give a little something back”.

The group is called stranraerschools4nhs and they have already raised over £6,000. If you would like to help them to increase their total we have attached a link for their fundraising page:-