
Wigtown Community Plan A Fun Week & Alternative Riding Of The Marches

Caring members of a Machars town have created a week-long festival of fun to raise the spirits of their local community.

The fun kicks off on Sunday, August 2nd and runs through the week until Saturday the 8th 

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the usual community festival held annually in Wigtown had been cancelled along with the Riding of the Marches, the Spring Book Weekend and the food festival. But now thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of a small group of people a series of events have been arranged for everyone in the town to get behind.

Organisers have been careful to ensure that all activities can be done to comply with the current social distancing regulations. There’s kite flying, walking treasure hunts for children and families, a virtual pet show, Zoom quiz night, prizes for the best garden, containers and hanging baskets, teddy bear trail and a chance to share surplus plants and produce.

People are being encouraged to get creative by creating a scarecrow or collecting a messy pebble pack from Wigtown Manse. The grande finale of the week will be an alternative Riding of the Marches with organisers asking townsfolk to take part in fancy dress on their bicycles.

There are further details on posters around the town or on the I Love Wigtown Facebook page.

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