Happy Birthday Samuel Rutherford Crockett, the first of our DGWGO S.R.CROCKET monthly posts

Galloway’s own S.R.Crockett’s 155th birthday falls on 24th September. In this, the 100th anniversary year of his death, Scotland’s ‘forgotten bestseller’ is being remembered once more.


Born at Little Duchrae near Laurieston in 1859, S.R.Crockett had a strict Cameronian upbringing by his maternal grandparents. The family moved to Castle Douglas (which he later fictionalised in his writing as ‘Cairn Edward’ ) from where Crockett won the Galloway bursary to Edinburgh University. He studied for the ministry, but kept himself through journalism and on becoming a bestselling author in the 1890’s he gave up the pulpit for the pen. He published more than 70 novels/short story collections, many of them serialised in the magazines and periodicals of the day. He bridged the gap between popular fiction and ‘literature’, taking up the mantle of writing Scottish adventure romances from R.L.Stevenson. He died in April 2014.



On the 24th September, The Galloway Raiders are holding two events to celebrate his birthday . In the afternoon there is A Raiders Ride from Castle Douglas via Auchencairn to Balcary . Some of Crockett’s work will be read overlooking Hestan Island ( Main Photo), the place he fictionalised in many of his novels as ‘Isle Rathan’


In the evening of the same day, Beltie Books at Wigtown is hosting a Books and Baking event. Bring along your own home-made traditional soda scones, oatcakes and/or gingerbread rabbits for judging. There will be prizes! There are also readings from Crockett’s novels and short stories.
You can find out about both these events from the events listing or the Galloway Raiders website.

1 a 1 a crocket src cartoonS.R.Crockett also features in the line- up for the Wigtown Book Festival on the 26th and 27th September and is the subject of the Keynote McNeillie Lecture given this year by Cally Phillips, former writer in residence for Dumfries and Galloway and series editor for ‘The Galloway Collection.’
If you’ve never heard of S.R.Crockett – it’s about you did. In his day he was an international bestseller and his work has been compared with Stevenson, Hardy and Dickens. His stories are thrilling, with fast paced episodic adventures and historical action/romances to rival Dumas. And Galloway is at the heart of the history, adventure and romance.
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of his death Ayton Publishing have brought his Galloway writings back into print (both digital and paper) as the 32 volume ‘The Galloway Collection.’ Crockett’s special blend of History, Adventure and Romance is once more available to thrill a whole new readership. For generations it’s been hard to find his work, but now there’s no excuses.

Try before you buy by going to one of the Galloway Raiders free events which are all listed on www.dgwgo.com/events , or at events at Wigtown Book Festival. Or go straight to the website www.gallowayraiders.co.uk and find out more.

It’s free to become a member and there’s loads of information, articles and special discounts on books for members.
Make this the year you add a local flavour to your reading. After all, who doesn’t love history, adventure and romance?

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