Viewing from 6th October -10th October (Launch 5th October)

Artist: Stacie Geddes

1 a 1 a growing-older-posterOver the past couple of years I’ve been engaging with people worldwide to understand personal meanings of growing older. 100 participants across the globe took part, some of which sent photographic ‘selfies’ for me to work with. From the information gathered I’ve been creating artwork to reflect what it means in society to get older.

I will be hosting an exhibition of my work, many of the local community anonymously took part. It will be a great opportunity for them to see the results. My work has and will engage with the inter generational community, to date includes 100 people from age 15-90, responses spread out equally throughout each age stage grouping. Particularly I was interested in what peoples expectations were of being an older adult and whether the older adult community had a sense of those things as they are within their life stage. It was an exploration of the meanings we attach to a ‘moving through time’ reality.

Many of the participants were from Nepal, particularly Kathmandu which was struck by a series of devastating Earthquakes in April this year, it is with kindness that I hope the work will contribute to giving the individuals whom took part and their families something positive to feel part of.

The exhibition is supported by The Stove & Luminate Scotland and is part of the Creative Ageing Festival throughout October. I will be working in collaboration with South West Picture Show & The Stove to host a filmed interview evening on the 6th October from 6pm. If you are interested in taking part please e-mail [email protected] or find me on

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