Dumfries Camera Club Holds Annual Exhibition At Gracefield

A selection of over 90 framed works from around 20 Camera Club members will be displayed across Gallery 1 and the Gracefield café from Saturday 11 March to Saturday 6 May.

The exhibition offers something for everyone to enjoy, from wildlife to portraiture, landscape and cityscapes. These feature both colour and black and white images, some of which have featured in the past year in various national exhibitions and earned some club members a range of awards and medals.

The final week of the exhibition overlaps with a show in gallery 2 on the work of world-renowned documentary photographer Diane Arbus, which is coming to Gracefield Gallery 2 at the end of April on loan from the Tate/NGS Artist Rooms collection. To complement this, camera club members have produced a range of more than 100 portraits of people and businesses in Dumfries, to build on their previous project of 5 years ago when they produced images of 1,000 people in Dumfries and Galloway.

If you are someone looking for inspiration, want to know which buttons to press on your camera or just want to join a friendly progressive photographic club, why not come along to Gracefield on a Wednesday evening and give it a go? You’ll receive a warm welcome no matter your level of skill. In fact, you don’t even have to take photographs! Just come along to an enthusiastic club, who enjoy seeing each other’s pictures from a wide mix of abilities and benefit from the fund of knowledge that is shared about all things photographic through visits from speakers and a range of other activities.

Councillor Ian Blake, Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee said: “It’s great to see some returning exhibitors, as well as new faces in the Camera Club’s show this year. It is wonderful to see the diverse and exciting mix in the imagery using both colour and black and white throughout the exhibition”.

Kids Hands-On art workshops:
For all you budding artists out there, Gracefield’s kids club runs every Saturday for age 5-12, and a once-a-month session for the teenagers and Baby and Toddlers (cost from £3.50-5.50 per session).
Vice-Chair of Communities Committee, Councillor Jackie McCamon added: “Lots children and young people love arts and craft activities, and these workshops are a great way to get them to socialise with new people in a relaxed and friendly environment. It’s a great way to first experience the facility too – if you’ve not been before, come and have a go. There are different workshops each week with an experienced team of artists and art teachers leading the classes”.
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Admission to Gracefield exhibitions is always free and we are open Tuesday-Saturday 10am to 5pm, with our Gallery 2 Café Refresh last orders at 3.30pm. You’ll find Gracefield at 28 Edinburgh road, just round the corner from the train station and 200m from the Ewart Library.


Gracefield is run by Dumfries & Galloway Council and aims to present a wide selection of local, national and international visual art and craft with a changing programme of exhibitions and events. Gracefield also present exhibitions from its own art collection and supports local group shows including the Dumfries and Galloway Fine Art Society, SW Scotland Printmakers, Spring Fling and Dumfries Camera Club– more information can be found at www.dgculuture.co.uk

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