Dumfries & Galloway’s Spring Fling Open Studios Weekend Postponed 

The Spring Fling Open studios weekend is being postponed due to the Covid-19 epidemic. 

The board and staff of Upland CIC, which organises the event, hope the event can be rescheduled for later in the year.

In light of government advice other Upland projects and exhibitions are also being put on hold.

Amy Marletta, Creative Director for Upland, said: It is a difficult decision to have to make, but the health and wellbeing of our visitors, artists, craft makers, partners and staff has to be the absolute priority.
“Spring Fling is a fantastic event so we will be monitoring the situation closely and very much hope that it can be reorganised for later this year.”

A total of 87 artists and makers from all across Dumfries & Galloway had been selected to take part in this year’s Spring Fling, which was due to take place from 23-25 May.

Upland is currently looking at other ways to support and promote the work of artists and makers in the region.

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