Featured Artist – Katy Ewing


I’ve drawn and painted for as long as I can remember. I do all sorts of subjects, but particularly love portraiture. There’s something about finally capturing the exact expression on a face that makes it look like your subject, look like they’re alive, or finally getting the last bit of colour in that brings the whole thing suddenly right, that feels magical – like the moment you learn to ride a bike or whistle! And when I’m commissioned to do a portrait, it’s wonderful to see the customer recognise a loved one (human or animal) in a painting or drawing which I’ve spent so many hours putting everything into. Once finished, it’s actually not easy to see my work go, I become so attached to it in the process!

Sometimes I work from several photographs in order to come up with exactly the right final picture, maybe including other items in the background or using one photo for facial expression and another for body position – in this way, it’s helpful for me to have a choice of photos. But if you know what you want and have a single photo, I can do that too!

Because the amount of work it takes me to do different subjects and the price of materials all vary so much, it isn’t practical to have a set price-list, but prices start from £45 for a single simple portrait pencil drawing. If you fancy commissioning something – portraits, illustrations, paintings or drawings of almost anything! – just get in touch and describe what you want and I’ll quote you a price, and you can then decide whether or not you want to go ahead!

I can be contacted via my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Katy.Ewing.Artwork or by email: [email protected]


I grew up in Dumfries and Galloway, in the small village of Johnstonebridge where my family moved from Argylle when I was four. I left to go to Art School in Aberdeen when I was 17, and stayed there for four years. Growing up, I couldn’t wait to leave for a city, and in some ways I did end up feeling at home in Aberdeenshire, but something always pulled me back to this region. The landscape I knew so well as a kid will always feel special; the gentle rolling green, the small woods and rivers of Annandale. But I’ve lived near Castle Douglas with my husband since 1996 and raised two daughters here, and this is truly home to me now. It’s been a fantastic place to raise children as well as to live – excellent schools, very friendly people and a town full of great independent shops, galleries, cafés and restaurants. We have walks to beaches, lochs, woodlands, mountain bike trails (although I’m a bit of a fair weather biker which means I haven’t done that for a while ;)) all within a really short distance. And D&G is a fantastic and thriving area to experience art of all sorts, because communities of creative people thrive here and share their work!

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