Dumfries & Galloway Council and DG Unlimited (Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts) invite funding applications from organisations, community groups and individuals to the Dumfries & Galloway Regional Arts Fund, which opend on 15/th of October .
The Dumfries & Galloway Regional Arts Fund is designed in collaboration with DG Unlimited and aims to help deliver and increase the impact of arts projects at regional level. The scheme is part of the council’s Place Partnership with Creative Scotland.
Investment priorities were developed by DG Unlimited on behalf of the arts sector in the region.
There is an allocation of just over £100,000 available to support projects through the Regional Arts Fund. Funding is available under six Strands: Art & Place; Youth Arts/Early Career Development; Touring; Supporting Practice Next Stages; International Ambition- Reaching Out and Bringing In; and Programme Enhancement and Audience Development. Details of the fund and how to apply can be found at http://www.dumgal.gov.uk/artsfund
Councillor Tom McAughtrie, Chairman of Community and Customer Services Committee, said “the Council is delighted to offer this opportunity to increase the positive impact of the arts across our region through our Place Partnership with Creative Scotland and DG Unlimited (formerly the Chamber of Arts). We recognise the positive contribution that the arts make. That is why the Council is investing £200,000 along with match funding from Creative Scotland. Over the summer DG Unlimited have drawn together the views of arts organisations across the region to inform the priorities of the fund and we look forward to seeing the results bear fruit for artists and audiences across Dumfries and Galloway during the coming year”
Amanda Herries, DG Unlimited Vice Chair, said: “It’s great news that £100,000 is being invested in arts projects which will help promote creativity across the region. We have worked closely with artists and organisations in every part of Dumfries and Galloway to identify what the priorities should be and we are really looking forward to some innovative and exciting applications. Our region has a fabulous reputation for its thriving arts and cultural sector and this partnership with the council and Creative Scotland will strengthen it even further. The arts are of immense value in building stronger communities and enhancing lives, they are also an increasingly important to the regional economy, bringing in visitors from all over the country, and providing good career opportunities for our young people.”
Applications must be submitted on or before 5pm on Friday 28 November 2014 for consideration by early 2015. If funds remain thereafter, further closing dates will be set and the details will be available from the Council’s website.
There is considerable advice for applicants on the Council’s website and from Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway. Local Area Arts Hub Convenors will also be able to advise applicants – their contact details are available at