Generation – Young Kirkcudbright Director Makes Debut at Big Burns Supper

Play explores contemporary youth culture and the use and abuse of technology and its impact on teenage lives
A hard-hitting play about hackers performed by Dumfries Youth Theatre will mark the directorial debut for a young Kirkcudbright man.
Jack Finlay, aged 20, who is the first ever Creative Modern Apprentice in Dumfries and Galloway. He is based at the Electric Theatre Workshop, and has been working with a cast of 13 young people aged 12 to 14 from across the area.
The play, called Generation, provides an insight into the dynamic world of youth culture and playground politics in the 21st century. It also shows how technology can be used and abused, and the effect this can have on young people in schools.
Speaking about his first major director’s role, Jack said: “Generation explores the world of young hackers – how technology can be used and abused, and how none of our information is as secure as we like to imagine.
“Working with this cast has been uplifting. And having my first major director’s role has been a real pleasure.”
Dumfries Youth Theatre is hosted by Electric Theatre Workshop, and aims to give young people an opportunity to develop their skills in the performing arts whilst also making new friends and gaining experience of creative industries.
The show takes place as part of Big Burns Supper, the nine day festival of comedy, carnival, cabaret and theatre which takes place in Dumfries from 22 to 30 January.
It is being staged at the Electric Theatre Workshop, Munches Street, Dumfries, on the 28th, 29th, and 30th January at 6pm. Tickets are £7.50 for adults and £5.50 for children.

Picture by Angela Gilmour

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