Gracefield Arts Centre Hold Dumfries and Galloway Fine Arts Society Annual Exhibition

Starting on Saturday 1 July at Gracefield Arts Centre in Dumfries, the Dumfries & Galloway Fine Arts Society Annual Exhibition will be open until Saturday 5 August.

Originally set up in 1922, Dumfries and Galloway’s largest practising art group presents a fascinating selection of its members’ work, which this year celebrates 98 years of the annual exhibition. With over 160 works from painting and drawing to craft and sculpture, there is always something to catch the eye and as most are available to buy – it’s the ideal exhibition to start or to enhance your original art collection with prices to suit all pockets. The society will also be screening their Centenary film, made but local filmmaker John Wallace to celebrate their 100th year – look out for well-known faces and a glimpse behind the scenes of the exhibition-hanging and art workshops.

Chair of Communities Committee, Councillor Ian Blake said: “Congratulations to the society for a wonderful display again this year – it’s great to see so many members’ work and we viewers are tempted to take home a locally created artwork for our own wall.”

Across in Gallery 2, the ARTIST ROOMS Diane Arbus continues until the end of July, so if you haven’t been to see this stunning show yet, there is still time; if you are feeling creative, look out for our art competition in association with Dumfries Pride. Create your own artwork or photography on the themes of Portraiture, Otherness and Colours of Pride and submit to our online gallery by 18 July. There’s 1st and 2nd prizes in each category selected by esteemed judges. See the Gracefield or Dumfries Pride Facebook pages for details.

Summer holiday art and craft workshops start Wednesday 5 July for ages 5 to 12 years, and from Friday 7 July for Teens, 13 to 16 years. Contact the gallery for details of spaces available – teens workshops are FREE as part of the Amazing Summer funded programme, so don’t miss your chance to try printmaking, jewellery, eco textiles and more…book early!

Vice Chair of Communities Committee, Councillor Jackie McCamon added: “Lots to do and see at Gracefield this summer – exhibitions are always free and the grounds and picnic tables make a great destinations for a morning or afternoon with the family.”

The exhibitions are open Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 5pm, and the admission is free at 28 Edinburgh Road Dumfries – follow the yellow AA Diane Arbus signage. For more information on what’s on at Gracefield and all of the councils’ other arts and museums, visit

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