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As the Easter holidays fade to a memory, it’s time to think of what to do during the summer holiday break. For many people, it may be lounging on a beach, or scaling a high peak. For others, the holiday period will be a time for learning new skills. This is where the Ian Wardlaw Drama Trust may be of assistance.

The Trust, now 21 years old, exists to encourage an interest in drama, and to support people in their aspirations to improve their acting, learn about directing or technical matters, or perhaps make their first attempts at writing for the stage.

Former Award winners have attended summer schools, weekend courses or taken part in new productions. Some have gone on to become professional actors or directors, attending national academies such as the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the Guildhall School of Music or Central School of Drama.

Recent Award winners have chosen to become students at the Scottish Youth Theatre summer schools, or the National Youth Theatre in London.
Members of drama clubs, and all students and secondary school pupils in Dumfries and Galloway are eligible for funding support, and the process is simple. Complete an application and submit it for consideration by Trustees.
Full information and application forms are available on our website at www.wardlawdramatrust.org or by telephoning Primrose and Gordon Solicitors on 01387 267316. Closing date for applications is 1st June 2014.

“I have been given a place at the National Youth Theatre in London ….. this year they had 4,000 applicants and offered places to 175 so you can imagine how thrilled I am to have been chosen”
SARAH, Glenluce

“Thanks to the Ian Wardlaw Drama Trust for the bursary. Rehearsing and performing in the Citizens Theatre is a privilege many young actors never get to experience, and I have gained a lot from being able to do so” LORRAINE, Moffat



more info at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ian-Wardlaw-Drama-Trust/188665711283427

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