87 Miles – the distance between two groups of young theatre makers, the difference between a rural town in South West Scotland and a city, no distance at all for young people working together.
1 a 1 a bus milesPremiere of 87 MILES 12 July 7.00pm @ the Ryan Centre Theatre
Tickets £3. Ryan Centre Box Office, 01776 703535. Fairhurst Road, Stranraer DG9 7AP.

This show has been written, devised and performed by Toonspeak Young People’s Theatre Glasgow and Ryan Youth Theatre Stranraer – 87 Miles is a new and daring piece of youth theatre that captures snapshots of overheard stories, memories and tall tales. Suitable for a 14 plus audience.

Fifteen year old Hannah Morrison who lives in Stranraer and goes to the Academy says: “The Ryan Youth Theatre has been a great experience for me as I feel that it has increased my confidence whilst having a great time and making new friends. Also meeting a new group of people from Toonspeak, and working with them on 87 Miles has been great.”

Chloe Davidson from Toonspeak Young People’s Theatre, Glasgow says: “Working with 87 Miles and the Ryan Youth Theatre has been an amazing opportunity, and I have loved every minute of it. I still can’t believe we’ve written and put on a whole show – all my friends and family are coming down, it’ll be packed!”
Directors: Katrina Caldwell and Steven Leach
Dramaturge and Writer: Rosanna Hall, a recent top MA graduate from Glasgow University’s prestigious writing for performance programme. Rosanna is tipped as a young talent to watch.
Produced by Carolyn Yates, with Gemma Sammon, for Ryan Youth Theatre; and Katrina Caldwell for Toonspeak Young People’s Theatre.
Carolyn Yates, responsible for Literature Development for the region and employed by Wigtown Festival Company says: “I believe that the lifeblood of theatre is new writing, so I wanted to set up a youth theatre that created new scripts by and for young people. Engaging with writing and drama as a process, with the expectation of high quality artistic outcomes, improves young people’s life skills. I am very grateful for Irene Hawker’s enthusiasm for the project in its early days, without her Ryan Youth Theatre would not exist. Irene recently retired from her council post as an Arts Officer based at the Ryan Centre so this is an amazing tribute and legacy to her. We are so grateful for all the support this production has received, both here in Dumfires and Galloway and in Glasgow. Beverley Mercer, Eric McCune and the team at the Ryan Centre have been brilliant. Thanks too to Buchanan Street Bus Station, Cumbernauld Theatre, The Citizens Theatre, Dunsmore Recovery Centre and Sarah Longfield.
As well as our main funders for this production The Holywood Trust, Wigtown Festival Company, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Glasgow City Council and GHA (Glasgow Houisng Association) , we also thank: Big Lottery Young Start, Barfil Charitable Trust, The Gannochy Trust, Hugh Fraser Foundation, The Kennyhill Bequest Fund and The Moffat Charitable Trust.”

Ryan Youth Theatre meets on a Tuesday night in term time in the Ryan Centre, Stranraer. It was set up in 2013. Gemma Sammon is the Ryan Youth Theatre Youth Theatre leader, she also teaches drama at Stranraer Academy . Ryan Youth Theatre is for young people over 14 and up to 25 years old who want to act, direct, write, improvise, sing and dance. Ryan Youth Theatre is free, and no auditions or experience is required.
Since 1987, Toonspeak has provided free, high quality drama and theatre activities for young people aged 11-25 living in Glasgow. Toonspeak works with professional artists to challenge and inspire young people to create their own performances and manage their own projects. Like Ryan Youth Theatre, Toonspeak activities are free and anyone, regardless of experience, ability or personal circumstances can take part – and have fun.


FOR MORE INFORMATION about The Ryan Youth Theatre phone Carolyn on 07773797495 or e mail [email protected]

For more information about Wigtown Festival Company’s programme to support young people, contact Anne Barclay. Phone: 01988 403222. E mail [email protected]