Shambellie House Holds Dumfries & Galloway Quilt Fling Festival

Shambellie House in New Abbey is set to host “Quilt Fling”, a 5-day exhibition from 14th to 18th May of quilts by quilters from around our own region alongside painted chairs with quilted cushion done by the pupils from New Abbey and Kirkbean primary schools.   This will be followed by 12 quilting and embroidery classes starting on the 19th and running each day with a host of famous tutors until the 29th May.

Ann Hill, BEM, Chair of the Quilters group said “We are hosting our second “Quilt Fling” at Shambellie House.   The first one proved to be a huge success.   This time round we have two well-known embroiderers joining our team of tutors – Lorraine Challis and Margot McIntyre.   Our quilting star has to be Stuart Hillard of the Great Sewing Bee who will be doing two separate classes and giving one of his inspirational talks about his own quilting life including showing us his quilts and the stories behind them”.

Quilt classes also include how to dye fabrics with Gillian Cooper, how to use rulers when quilting, and Ann Hill teaching you how to make a tuffet (Little Miss Muffet sat on one!).

Complimentary classes are being offered by the Quilters of Shambellie House to the primary school children from New Abbey and Kirkbean Primaries Renovating the chairs involved the children drawing and painting the flowers, etc., on the backs of the chairs with the help of the local art group and the quilters helping make the cushions.

Headteacher Mrs Helen Anderson said

Our pupils have benefitted greatly from the creative experiences provided by Shambellie House and I am delighted to say there are more planned soon.   We share the community of New Abbey with them so are in regular communications.   Our strong link with Shambellie House enriches our curriculum

Also benefitting from the classes are the young adults at Cloverglen Services whose headquarters are based in the Lodge at Shambellie.   Shambellie Quilters are also hosting a class to show them how to make quilted cushions.

Eric Bridgwood of Cloverglen said

This is an excellent opportunity for our young adults to engage with the tutors and friends at Shambellie.   It is another skill which they can take into their everyday lives which is what our partnership with Shambellie is all about.   They are really looking forward to making cushions for their homes”.

Gordon Mann, Chairman of the Shambellie House Trust said

We are absolutely delighted to be part of this special festival featuring the work of local quilters and in particular the two local primary schools.   We are working hard to try and create a new future for the House providing day and short residential courses celebrating the best of Dumfries & Galloway

Anyone interested in joining one of the ten classes available (the two for school pupils and Cloverglen are fully booked), should book online at