Spring Fling Photographers Share Their Dumfries & Galloway Images

Spring Fling photographers have shared some of their favourite pictures that illustrate what makes Dumfries and Galloway such a special region of Scotland.

Phil McMenemy and Alistair Hamilton are stalwarts of the annual open studios event – which this year has been moved from May to October 5-12 and will be entirely online except for a series of window exhibitions.

Spring Fling normally offers thousands of visitors from elsewhere in Scotland, the rest of the UK and overseas the chance to enjoy the beauties of one of Scotland’s lesser-known rural regions.

The photographers hope that this selection of pictures will fill a little of the gap left by having a digital event rather than one that encourages visitors from outwith south west Scotland.

Work by Phil, Alistair and around 80 other artists and makers can still be seen via the Spring Fling website this year – among them embroiderer and textile artist Alison Corfield, who is Alistair’s wife.

The couple were hoping to welcome visitors into their studio at Borgue, near Kirkcudbright, but due to Covid-19 restrictions will now be showing their work online.

Alistair, who was also photographed in his and Alison’s studio and at one of his favourite spots on the River Dee, provided pictures of Ross Bay, Ross Bay Rocks and trees in woodland near Gatehouse of Fleet.

Spring Fling Photographers Share Their Dumfries and Galloway ImagesAlistair said:My home overlooks Ross Bay, which is an inlet near the mouth of Kirkcudbright Bay, and it is what I see when I get up every morning and look out of the window.
“It has a big tidal range, with the sea edge moving over 1km between low and high spring tides. It is muddy rather than sandy, so it is not a bathing beach.
“I love it because it is never twice the same as the mud is always moving which means the shape of the incoming waves constantly changes.
“I also love Carstramont Wood above Gatehouse-of-Fleet. It’s a dense wood, but there is a lovely clearing in there – and to enter it you have to pass these wonderful trees.”
Phil, who runs The Gallery at Laurieston near Castle Douglas, added: “How to capture Galloway? How to capture her moods and her character? It changes, we change – it remains a wonderful challenge. I hope I do it justice.”

His pictures, from different seasons, include:

  • Autumn Gold – a patchwork of autumnal glory
  • Burst – Loch Ken and the approaches of winter, an artistic icy-blast
  • Pebble – textures and shapes abound in Galloway, a land that requires protection and care.
  • Queens Way – a road of glory, encapsulating the variety of form and vistas that Galloway possesses
  • Snow Tree – splendid isolation and a tiny bothy in the heart of the region
  • Three Trees – journeys abound in the space offered here. Some busy and some where you are completely alone, save for the memories and history

As well as being able to see and buy work from artists and makers Spring Fling plans a variety of activities such as workshops by Kim Ayres and Izzy Leach.

Kim’s photography workshops will take place live on Facebook over four days with a group for attendees to share work and results. Izzy will present A Kind of Blue, a cyanotype workshop which is a beginner friendly way to photographically print from home with limited equipment.

There will also be the Looking In which will allow people to see work without going online. Venues will include The Look Out, Langholm, The Whitehouse Gallery, Kirkcudbright, Number 11 in Wigtown .

Joanna Macaulay, Assistant Director for Upland Arts Development CIC, said “This year Spring Fling will run for eight-days rather than the usual three so more people, from all round the world, can take part.
“We had hoped that some studios would be able to open for visitors from within the region, but the upsurge in Covid-19 means that this could be unsafe.
“So while we will now be almost completely online for 2020 we hope these photos will whet people’s appetite to visit the Dumfries and Galloway in person – during the next Spring Fling or at any other time of year – once Covid-19 restrictions allow.
“It’s a beautiful region, and a lesser-known area of Scotland, with a huge amount of creative talent, so makes a rewarding, friendly and tranquil destination.”
  • The full selection of photographs is available in this DropBox (at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uyxkow08xalny0x/AADIDBe6tipqTGt_ZwEzpoI1a?dl=0) or on request.

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