Call Out For The Perfect Wall In Wigtownshire for Mural Makeover

A call is going out to find the perfect Wigtownshire wall for a new community mural – and a locally-based artist to help paint it.

The initiative marks the return of the highly successful Spring Fling Rural Mural (SFRM), which saw the creation of imaginative and colourful artworks across Dumfries and Galloway (and far beyond) in 2014 and 2016.

SFRM24 is being run by Upland CIC, the region’s art and craft development organisation which produces the annual Spring Fling Open Studios weekend.

It’s being supported locally by project partner, Creative Stranraer.

This invaluable relationship will connect SFRM with local groups and ensure that the project complements the mural created in Stranraer by Tragic O’Hara.

The chosen artist, who will be from the Wigtownshire area, will work in collaboration with Glasgow-based muralists Recoat who have been involved in SFRM since it was established.

In addition to the mural, Upland will also deliver a programme of community engagement workshops to make sure it represents the needs of the community.

Joanna Jones, Assistant Director of Upland CIC said:We are delighted that Rural Mural is back and to be taking it west.
“We are in search of the perfect wall, and for a locally-based artist to be at the heart of the project. So let us know if you can offer the right place, or want to be considered for the role.
“SFRM has always been associated Spring Fling and helps bring more visitors to the area.
“We are pleased to be engaging with communities in Wigtownshire and to be with local partners Creative Stranraer.
“There is a lot happening in Stranraer at the moment. We are delighted that SFRM can be a part of this and will work with Creative Stranraer to make sure the project complements the good work already happening – producing an eye-catching, vibrant mural for the town.”
Janet Jones, Arts & Engagement Officer with Creative Stranraer adds: “This a really exciting time for Stranraer with creative projects popping up all over the town, including the unexpected garden last summer, the new marina project on the waterfront, the development of the former George Hotel and the continued programme of creative engagement activities through Creative Stranraer’s Hub.
“We’re delighted to be partnering with the Rural Mural project and building on the success of the street art already embedded in the town.”

SFRM24 takes place 10 years since the first project which saw six murals painted across the region. In 2016 there were three in D&G and one each in Glasgow, Newcastle and Berlin.

Amy Whiten and Ali Wylie, the duo who make up Recoat have over 15 years’ experience in painting murals across Scotland and internationally.

Ali said:We are very proud of the artwork and connections that came out of the original SFRM projects. They murals created in D&G were amazing.
“These projects, and the artists we worked with, remain some of our favourite experiences and connections.
“We are excited to be coming back to the area to work with an artist to create another vibrant mural.”

Find out how to submit your wall/building or apply to take part by visiting the Upland website

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