Five of the best from Dumfries and Galloway in Newcastle

Five leading artists and craft makers from the Dumfries and Galloway-based Spring Fling open studios event are heading to Newcastle.
In 2014 Spring Fling, Scotland’s premier contemporary visual art and crafts open sudios event, held a successful exhibition at The Biscuit Factory and is now making a return trip.
Each year the visitors to the Spring Fling weekend in Dumfries and Galloway are asked to vote on their favourite exhibitors.
It will be the top five, from a total of 95, from this ballot who will go to the Biscuit Factory.
The list of artists and makers taking part will be revealed closer to the event which takes place from 7 March – 24 May, with a special preview from 6pm-9pm on 6 March.
Leah Black, Spring Fling Director, said: “Last year’s exhibition was a huge hit and it’s great to be able to return to the Biscuit Factory with work from the artists and makers chosen by the public as their favourites.”
The Biscuit Factory is the UK’s largest independent art gallery and is at 16 Stoddart St, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1AN.

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