The Stove Network Issues A Shout Out For Art For Exhibition

The Stove Network is on the hunt for artwork to include in a community exhibition to be hosted in the Stove Café in the centre of Dumfries High Street over the month of June.

As the restrictions on day-to-day life are steadily eased, the team at The Stove Network are giving the people of Dumfries, who have found their creative side over lockdown, the opportunity to showcase their artwork. This special community exhibition will aim to celebrate the various forms of creative arts and craftwork that members of the local and regional community have created over the course of the last 14 months.

The exhibition will form part of The Stove Network’s on-going project, ‘Conversing Buildings’ which aims to explore how projects and artists can interact with the Stove building and wider environments. The Conversing Building project has been running since 2017 and encourages the community to discover the spaces within The Stove building as opportunities to showcase art and come together.

All forms of art and craft will be considered for inclusion in the exhibition, whether it is a painting, drawing, sculpture or if you’ve made little collages to send to your friends or started taking photographs on your phone, the goal is to celebrate the little acts of creativity the public have all made at home and to share them with the wider community in The Stove Café.

The Stove Café and the Conversing Building project will be accepting submissions until Monday 31st May

How to Submit

Artworks can be dropped off to The Stove Café during regular opening hours Wed-Sat, 10-3pm, but please make sure you have included your contact details so that we can notify you if your artwork is not selected for this exhibition and to return successful submissions after the exhibition. Artworks will be selected by considering the exhibition as a whole, ensuring variety of content and techniques.

To be considered, all artists will need to agree to loan their artworks to The Stove Network for the duration of the exhibition which will run from 2nd – 30th June 2021. Works can be 2D or 3D, measuring no more than 60cm in any direction. All artworks will be displayed in our public café, therefore submitted works should be suitable for all ages.

If you have any queries about whether your creative work will be suitable, please drop us an email to [email protected], or pop into the Stove café and ask one the team.

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