Upcoming Sanquhar Arts Festival Spells Fun!

To celebrate the 5th annual Sanquhar Arts Festival, Sanquhar Primary School’s P6 class and A’ the Airts Community Arts Centre’s After School Art & Craft Club members created a banner to advertise the upcoming festival, which starts next week.

They also drew their ‘impressions’ of Sanquhar, which were installed at the Sanquhar Tolbooth Museum yesterday.  The students drew images of the Tolbooth building and other places that make them think of their rural Southwest Scottish town, including a duck from The Waird, by Neve Syme aged 4.

Boston ceramicist Kristin Powers, through her time at MERZ, has been working with local artists and members of the Kirkconnel ARC to create their ‘impressions’ of bricks and stones using pottery making techniques.  And yesterday was the unveiling of their pieces, which have been installed around the door frame of the MERZ Gallery on Queens Road.

The Sanquhar Tolbooth Museum will be open with a special display of models just for the festival weekend.

Artist in residence, Daniel Lehan from Dungeness on the South Coast of England, also worked with this group to create works of collage that will be included in the ‘Impressions of MERZ’ event, a free evening of entertainment that will be held at A’ the Airts on Saturday 27th May.

The 3-day festival has a full line-up of events, exhibitions, films, performances, workshops, and open studios for all ages. A festival programme can be found on the

Sanquharartsfestival Facebook page or pick up a copy from the MERZ Gallery, the Tolbooth Museum or A’ the Airt.

Or for a digital programme please email [email protected].