View the Charms of Nature In New Exhibition at WWT Caerlaverock

View the Charms of Nature is a new exhibition at WWT Caerlaverock opening on 14 May.  It captures the beauty of South West Scotland in wool and thread, with felted and stitched artworks reflecting the landscape, folklore, history and wildlife of this magnificent part of the country.  Using wet and needle felting techniques, and embellished with hand embroidery, they depict local landmarks, distinctive birdlife, plants of the hedgerow, animals of the field, and ancient stories which enrich Scotland’s heritage.


Artist and historian Sue Hughes has drawn on her interest and knowledge of these stories to create these unique pieces.  She loves to blend her fascination with folklore, heritage, herbal histories, the countryside of South West Scotland and the life and work of Robert Burns into her creative compositions.


Sue is delivering a bookable workshop to make a felted landscape heart on 28 May and is demonstrating the craft of needle felting on 1 June at WWT Caerlaverlock.  Visit the website for more details Caerlaverock Wetland Centre | WWT.  The exhibition runs until 17 June.

Venue: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Caerlaverock, Eastpark Farm, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, DG1 4RS

Sue Hughes is a Museum Development Officer and has worked in museums and heritage for 30 years.  She started to work in felt in July 2021 and creates artwork as Old Toll House Crafts in the inspiring countryside of Dumfries.

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