Women in Photography Exhibition at DGRI To Go On Tour

An exhibition that celebrates of women in photography will tour across Dumfries and Galloway in 2024.


Currently on display at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary (DGRI), the exhibition was curated and first showcased at Shambellie House in June 2023.


The images displayed were taken by both emerging and established photographers from the UK and beyond. There were more than 100 submissions with 52 images on selected.


It is now on display at DGRI until the end of February 2024. The exhibition is for public, staff and patients in a new permanent exhibition space in the hospital. It will then tour other sites which will be announced in the new year. Further locations will be announced in the new year.


The exhibition is one of many initiatives by DG Creative Wellbeing across the region. The project has a full programme of artistic and cultural opportunities, events and activities that aim to enhance people’s wellbeing, communities, and healthcare environments.  More details are available on the new website – www.dgcreativewellbeing.co.uk


Frank Hayes, Art in Healthcare Co-ordinator said:

“DG Creative Wellbeing is delighted to present the Women in Photography Exhibition in our newly established permanent exhibition area at DGRI. We are looking forward to staff, patients, and visitors exploring the variety of captivating photographs contributed by these talented artists.”

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