Wrap: A new art installation and performance by Denise Zygadlo

It has been a long time since Gracefield in Dumfries has presented performance art but, in July 2014, Gallery 2 will host a collaborative performance piece led by Auldgirth-based artist Denise Zygadlo. This is a unique opportunity to see and enjoy accessible contemporary art in Dumfries – so it’s not to be missed.

Entitled WRAP, the exhibition investigates the relationship between the body and cloth and opens with a new collaborative performance piece Denise Zygadlo, Tara Hodgson and Florencia Garcia Chafuen. It is accompanied by a live string quartet playing a new composition by London based composer Rudi Zygadlo. The musicians include students of Nicola Benedetti; Gongbo Jiang and Wen Wang, members of the Aurea string quartet. Video footage of the performance will form part of a further collaboration with filmmaker, John Wallace, which will run for the duration of the exhibition.

The stunning visual works by Denise Zygadlo, the core of WRAP, will include a series of large silk hangings imprinted with life size images of her own wrapped body, new works on canvas and large charcoal drawings. These translucent, ghostlike hangings with their the sharply focused detail of skin and fabric, body and cloth materializing in the air, address the intimate physical, mythological, and emotional role of cloth in our lives.

WRAP opens on 12 July 2014and continues until 9 August 2014. Tickets for the performances at 1pm and 2pm on 9 July cost £4 and include a refreshment.  Phone 01387 262084 to book a place or you can pay at the door, space permitting.

Wrap has been funded by Creative Scotland and is supported by Gracefield Arts Centre.

Also opening to the public on Saturday 12 July 2014 is the Annual Exhibition by members of Dumfries & Galloway Fine Art Society.

A wealth of talent, from both professional and non-professional artists is on offer with most available to purchase at affordable prices. So if you are looking for a new piece of work to enhance or start your art collection this is the place to begin.  Gracefield can offer interest-free instalment payments, and we accept payment with cards, cheque or cash.

If you are a budding artist yourself and would like more information about membership then please contact the Society through their web-site www.dumfriesandgallowayfineartssociey.org.uk  

Gracefield is at 28 Edinburgh Road, Dumfries. Admission to the exhibitions is free, and Gracefield is open Tuesday to Saturday , 10am to 5pm.

Picture Source and more info available at https://www.facebook.com/events/1393541440932321/?fref=ts

Gracefield is committed to showing the art and craft work available locally, nationally and internationally and delivers a changing programme throughout the year. Selections from our permanent collection of Scottish art are shown 2-3 times per year in themed exhibitions. For further details, please visit the collection website at www.exploreart.co.uk

Denise Zygadlo is based in Dumfries & Galloway where she has been a practicing artist for many years. She undertook Foundation studies in art / design at Canterbury College of Art and completed her BA Hons degree from 1973-1976 at Winchester School of Art, specialising in printed textiles. Her most recent solo exhibition ‘Involutus Memet’ was at The Mill, Gatehouse of Fleet 2012, but she has also show in many Group Exhibitions including SSA Annual Exhibition 2002, 2004-2008, 2010-2012; SSA Professional Members Exhibitions 2010, 2011; Spring Fling Open Studio 2003-2006, 2010, 2011 and the Axolotl Gallery Dundas Street Edinburgh 2010-2012.
For further information on the artist visit: www.denisezygadlo.co.uk

Dumfries and Galloway Fine Arts Society is one of the oldest art societies in the country and perhaps one of the most fortunate in its founders. Amongst its founding members in 1922, were Jessie M. King, her husband E. A. Taylor, and Chris J. Fergusson. Early members included E.A. Hornel and Charles Oppenheimer and our records show that F.C.B. Cadell and Katherine Cameron were regular exhibitors in the 1920s. Each year, the society arranges a winter programme of demonstrations and talks given by professional artists, and a summer programme of workshops in different media tutored by professional artists. The membership include amateurs of all levels, and non-painters who enjoy the talks and demonstrations, as well as many professional artists. The Society is always delighted to welcome new members at any time of year, and the subscription for those joining after October 1st annually will be applied to the following year. If you are interested in joining you can download the application form please visit the website at www.dumfriesandgallowayfineartssociety.org.uk

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