Stranraer Parents Try To Raise Funds for New Disability Access Play Park

This weeks DGWGO friday focus is looking at a group of parents from Stranraer who are trying to raise funds for an All Inclusive Play Park at Stair Park, so Children with disability’s can play with their able friends and family without being left out.

 A spokesperson for the group told DGWGO “We are a small group of parents/ Carer’s trying to raise funds to allow us to build an All Inclusive Play Park in Stranraer. We have looked at a site & are hoping to build on to the existing Stair Park.
We have been fighting for a long time, trying to try raise awareness that there is no proper accessible play equipment in any of the parks West of the Region. Agnew Park was upgraded a few years ago but this park is not accessible for children in wheelchair’s or some children/ young people with limited mobility. The ground is not suitable for a wheelchair with a ‘grid’ type crossing with grass & sand.
Children who have a disability are unable to go with their siblings to a Park & play together.”
They Continued “We are in discussion with the Council who have agreed 500k towards accessible play parks in Dumfries Annan & Stranraer. We hope with our plans, discussions & public support we  will be able to access some of the money available. 
Stranraer 400 is being celebrated in the week between 21st & 29th July. We are holding a quiz night & draw with raffle tickets being sold during this week. We have numerous fantastic prizes being donated for this draw.. 
We have also been given a signed poster from the production team of the film ‘Keepers’ which is being raffled separate. 
SSE energy company have pledged a large some of money for our project.
Holywood Trust is also being approached for funding. “
They also said “Although we are looking into other funder’s as well, we have set up a just giving Crowd Funding page so that anyone who may like to pledge an amount of money towards our cause can do so. Just click HERE , We thank you for any donations and support that are given. “


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