Just one month ago, Massive Outpouring of Love – D&G Refugee Action (MOOL) was launched, and what a month we have had! It’s been an amazing rollercoaster and a very steep learning curve for all involved but some wonderful progress has been made and everyone’s hard work is paying off as we are now actively helping refugees in Calais.
The main charities in Calais are currently overwhelmed by donations so we have been looking at creative ways to help those in need. Working with an organisation called Caravans for Calais, we have funded two caravans ‘Bonnie’ and ‘Dumfries Hope’ to be taken over and house vulnerable groups of refugees; keeping them warm, dry and safe. We have also donated to The People’s Kitchen: run by a group of volunteers who cook in bulk to feed more, and provide a place to meet and be nourished. We couldn’t have achieved any of this without your amazing help.
We now have two huge depots crammed to the rafters with donations that a core group of volunteers is currently sorting and processing. Schools across the region have joined in, some by collecting toiletries and tins, others by helping to check that tents are fit for purpose and help load vans. The Social Enterprise Co-Wheels offered their support by loaning an Electric Van to the group for a whole month to help with the transportation of goods.
“Many of the organisations in Calais and further afield have asked that people hold onto donations to allow them to process and distribute donations to those in need.” A spokesperson for the group said. “Thanks to the generosity of Dumfries & Galloway Council, we are in the fortunate position of having the storage space to do just that and to keep the goods until they are able to accept donations again. From the beginning, our aim has been to help not hinder the process, so we are very grateful to have these buildings to use.
They key word is ‘patience’. Unfortunately this crisis is not going to go away overnight, and there is a harsh winter approaching, so we are committed to providing long term, sustained aid and support to refugees in Calais and around the globe.”
Because of the sheer volume of donations, MOOL has asked for a pause to be put on physical collections, asking instead for packaging tape, boxes, help sorting, and financial donations to help with transporting the goods and assisting aid organisations already on the ground.
Volunteers are always needed, locally. Whether you can sort, fold, wash, pack, knit, make tea, write notes or just provide moral support, you are always welcome at MOOL! You can contact us on Facebook: Massive Outpouring of Love – D&G Refugee Action or [email protected]
Saturday 3rd at 7:30 – Music for MOOL: A ‘Hope Not Hate’ Benefit Gig – is being held at the Troqueer Arms. Entry is free, raffle tickets and badges available. Donations are welcome.
Tuesday 6th from 7pm – The Big Food Packaging Night: We are hoping to have a MASSIVE turnout to help to pack up all the food donations into suitable packages ready for distribution. Please come and bring along your friends too! LDS Church Edinburgh Road, Dumfries. DG1 1JQ.