Sixtieth Kirkcudbright Candlemas Ball for Band Leader Bert Rae!

The traditional Candlemas Ball was hosted by Kirkcudbright Academy Parent Council on Saturday 8 February.

This year’s event was a very special occasion as marked the 60th year that Mr Bert Rae has lead the band at the school Candlemas Balls.


Our guests included parents, former pupils (some from many years ago!), current Sixth Year Pupils and the new Head Teacher. Approximately 100 of us birlled, whirled, reeled, two-stepped and Gay Gordon-ed the night away in the Cochran Hall which had been decorated by the School Pupils in a very appropriate diamond theme.

A welcome respite from the dancing was provided in the form of a fantastic finger buffet very kindly donated by parents and local businesses. During the supper, the winner of the traditional “Guess the Whisky” game was announced along with the winners of the amazing raffle prizes again kindly donated by local businesses and parents. Highlights of the night were a presentation of champagne and diamond-studded flowers to Mr Rae, the traditional Grand March, the dance demonstrations by the Caller and MC Mr Mark Hutton and the Orcadian Strip-the-Willow which left us all gasping and laughing!

The Parent Council are very grateful for all the behind the scenes help, the generous donations and for the support of the guests for this major fundraising event.

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