Council’s SHIP continues to boost local economy

DUMFRIES and Galloway Councillors will be told at a meeting next week that over £19 million of spend to create housing in the region will be fully utilised. 421 site starts and 173 Unit completions are a result of the dedicated funding to deliver the Council’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP).

The SHIP sets out key strategic priorities for affordable housing developments in our region and the resources required for delivery. This then informs Scottish Government investment decisions.

At the meeting of the Communities Committee on 31 January, Councillors will be asked to approve two proposed additions to the SHIP. Cunninghame Housing Association and Loreburn Housing Association have requested that two new sites be considered for inclusion. Cunninghame Housing Association are proposing the development of 36 units on land north of Victory Avenue in Gretna. Loreburn Housing Association are proposing the development of 8 new units in Fleetside in Gatehouse of Fleet.

A report by the Fraser Allander Institute published on 18 January 2019 outlined the economic contribution that the Glasgow Housing Association had on the local economy. The findings in the report mirror the positives experienced locally as a result of the investment of the SHIP. Across day to day activities and through capital spending, the SHIP has helped the local economy by creating and supporting jobs in the local area as well as the creation of modern apprenticeships for young people.

The delivery of the Council’s SHIP has also helped to tackle the negative effects on the lives of our vulnerable residents including people living on low incomes and those who are homeless or have specialist housing needs.

Chair of the Communities committee, Andy Ferguson, said;

“It’s a positive sign that our Councillors are being asked for new developments to be included in the SHIP. Providing Members agree to progress these new developments, this will not only aid much needed housing provision but will also represent a huge boost to the construction industry as well as the local economy. This is demonstrated in the number of local contractors that are benefitting from this investment, helping to deliver local jobs and apprenticeships for our young people.”

Vice Chair of the committee, John Martin, added;

“The regeneration of some areas of our region are dependent on attracting new businesses: these new businesses will bring new jobs and people into our communities so we must invest and plan ahead in order to accommodate them. Developers need to be aware that we are open for business and open for discussion and there are sites available for development right across our region.”

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