£250k Funding For Regions Countryside and Environmental Resources

Dumfries and Galloway Council appreciates that the current biodiversity crisis is interlinked with the global Climate crisis. There has also been a general rise in appreciation across D&G Council and communities of the importance of the region’s Natural Capital and its links to the Dumfries and Galloway’s economic health, and the opportunities associated with this. The environment plays a vital role in people’s health and wellbeing and was demonstrated over the last two years with people’s ability to access safe local spaces for recreation a key consideration.

In June 2019, Dumfries and Galloway Council declared a Climate Emergency and set out the Council’s ambitions under a 12 point plan, with the aim of achieving a net zero carbon status by 2025. The Declaration highlights the importance of Climate Change within our own region, whilst recognising the global implications, and promotes the role that the council is required to play, to coordinate, support and lead on regional activity, to reduce our carbon emissions and support a transition to a low and zero carbon economy.

By recognising these links, D&G Council is reviewing a range of projects, which will be presented to Members of Economy and Resources Committee (E&R) on 1st September.
The Nature Restoration Fund (NRF) constitutes £5million of capital funding to be spent in 2022-23 to support new, or to enhance existing, approaches to restoring biodiversity. The allocation of funds for Dumfries and Galloway Council in 2022-23, is £0.257 Million. A range of projects which are funded through the (NRF) have had their criteria reviewed by our Council’s Environment team.

Amongst others, these include:
• £67,000 for the Borderlands Marine Project
• £45,000 for the South of Scotland Tree Planting Grant Scheme 2022/23
• £41,750 for the Keir Wood Regeneration Project
• £20,000 for the Wigtown Bay Local Nature Reserve
• £7,500 for the Watercourse resilience & habitat improvement project

In addition to the above, The Black Stank River Restoration in Stranraer, a partnership approach requested by SEPA, will create a new space for nature and people near to the town centre, providing space for informal recreation which will bring benefits for health and wellbeing, outdoor learning and carbon sequestration.

Also, as part of the Borderlands Natural Capital Innovation Zone, a business case for the Solway Coast and Marine Project (SCAMP) has been submitted to both the UK and Scottish Governments. This scheme proposes to develop a programme to enable research and innovation for habitat restoration on the Solway, within the coast and marine environment. To create a focal point for research and innovation it is proposed to build a new marine research centre on Stranraer waterfront. The project will focus on key strategic interventions to boost the cost effectiveness of the restoration and expansion of key habitats and species (native oysters, sea grass and salt marsh) in support of economic, climate, biodiversity and recreation benefits. Although the building will be owned by the Council initially, for the duration of the project, it would then be passed to an independent charitable organisation to continue the work initiated through the Borderlands project. This project will be delivered in partnership with the Solway Firth Partnership.

Chair of Economy and Resources, Katie Hagmann said: ““These are wonderful projects which will have far-reaching benefits. Not only will they help our local land. wildlife and Biodiversity but the projects will also enrich to lives of the people living nearby, improving health and wellbeing. It is not just the environmental effects; these programmes have added value by encouraging visitors to the area creating jobs and boosting the local economy.”
Vice Chair, Sean Marshall said: “The Council’s Climate Emergency Declaration is a Council Priority, and therefore at the forefront of these projects and a host of projects across all Council Services. It’s essential that we continue to step up our actions significantly to meet our target. We aim to lead by example on climate and environment measures, and these projects are prime examples of the good work we are involved in.”


For details on all the projects listed above and further E&R Committee Reports, go to:


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