3060 Carers In Dumfries & Galloway Get Cash Boost From Scottish Government

Over three thousand carers in Dumfries and Galloway have benefitted from Carer’s Allowance Supplement (CAS) payments of up to £452 a year, introduced by the Scottish Government.


New figures show that 3060 carers in the region have received CAS payments since September 2018, when the payment was introduced.


The Carer’s Allowance Supplement is an extra payment made to carers in Scotland twice a year, in recognition of the important contribution they make to our society.


Carers now receive two supplementary payments totalling £452 per year, equivalent to an extra £8.50 per week, which is a 13% increase on the Carer’s Allowance from the UK government.

Local MSP, Joan McAlpine said:


Since its introduction, the Carer’s Allowance Supplement has supported almost 100,000 carers across Scotland, including 3060 in Dumfries and Galloway.
“Carers in the region make an absolutely vital contribution to our society, and it’s only appropriate that their hard work is valued and they are properly supported.
“We are determined to use the powers available to the Scottish Government to improve the lives of people across Scotland.
“This supplementary payment allows the Scottish Government to get more money into the pockets of carers as quickly as possible.
“I am delighted that carers in Dumfries and Galloway are being recognised for the important contribution carers make to our communities – in what can often be difficult circumstances.”


Table 4b: Number of Carers in receipt of Carer’s Allowance Supplement payments – by Local Authority
Local Authority3 Total since September 2018
Scotland                      98,275
Aberdeen City                        2,015
Aberdeenshire                        2,595
Angus                        1,890
Argyll & Bute                        1,315
City of Edinburgh                        5,700
Clackmannanshire                        1,090
Dumfries & Galloway                        3,060
Dundee City                        3,210
East Ayrshire                        2,990
East Dunbartonshire                        1,320
East Lothian                        1,480
East Renfrewshire                        1,190
Falkirk                        3,100
Fife                        7,450
Glasgow City                      15,680
Highland                        3,485
Inverclyde                        1,930
Midlothian                        1,640
Moray                        1,230
Na h-Eileanan Siar                           315
North Ayrshire                        3,370
North Lanarkshire                        8,390
Orkney Islands                           260
Perth & Kinross                        2,120
Renfrewshire                        3,225
Scottish Borders                        1,580
Shetland Islands                           195
South Ayrshire                        2,215
South Lanarkshire                        7,000
Stirling                        1,305
West Dunbartonshire                        2,125
West Lothian                        3,480
Unknown                           320



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