
36 Less Police On The Beat Across Region

Latest figures have revealed a dramatic reduction in police manpower since the merging of police forces into Police Scotland.

More than 640 officers have been cut from frontline duties since the Scottish Government created the single national police authority.

In Dumfries and Galloway alone, some 36 officers have been lost between 2020 and 2021 – one of the largest reductions in the country.

The move has been slammed by Finlay Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, who pointed the finger of blame at the Scottish Government.

He said: “Our hardworking police officers in Dumfries and Galloway work tirelessly to protect our communities, but they are doing so with one hand tied behind their back thanks to the SNP Government.
“Ministers simply aren’t giving our police the resources they need. It is clear that the creation of Police Scotland simply hasn’t worked for communities here with the loss of so many local officers since 2013.”
The Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP continued: “This is putting the welfare and safety of people at risk which is completely unacceptable.
“We need to properly support local policing efforts which is why I back the Scottish Conservatives proposal for a Local Policing Act to guarantee police will have the budgets they need and that local people are at the heart of decision-making.”

Statistics show that as of 31 December 2021 there were 17,117 full-time equivalent police officers across Scotland – the lowest figure recorded since 2009.

The figures revealed that in 2020, 401 officers covered Dumfries and Galloway,  that figure dropped to 365 in 2021 – a reduction of 36 officers.


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