5 year old Scarlett Krieger from Brooms Road Dumfries who attends P1 at Saint Andrews Primary School has been growing her hair for 2 years , and today  had most of it cut off  to donate to the little princess trust who make wigs for little girls with cancer.
Scarlett having a very well deserved post hair cut treat !

Scarletts  Mum Emma contacted DGWGO and told us how proud she was of her wee niece ! Emma said  ” The Little Princess Trust is a  charity based in the UK that makes wigs for children who have suffered hair loss due to cancer treatment. They use real hair and their own wig maker. Anyone can donate as long as the hair is at least 17cm long and in good condition. They then make the wigs and give them to the children for free.”
“Scarlett had a total of 20cm length off her hair cut off today a great thing for any one to do least of all a 5 year old, who  in her own words after seeing a video from America of a little girl doing the same was. ” well they can have my hair I don’t need it the poorly girls can have it” .
The trusts. Website can be found at http://www.littleprincesses.org.uk/

Scarlett would like to mention Paula at Crew cuts Academy Street, Dumfries  and say  big thank you ,  she did a great job !

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