ADVANCED NOTICE OF A76 CONVOY SYSTEM – Barburgh Mill Quarry, Thornhill

As part of Transport Scotland’s strategic trunk road management programme, which includes a £1.5 million investment in the A76, Scotland TranServ will resurface 1.3kilometres of the trunk road near Barburgh Mill Quarry, south of Thornhill, starting this weekend. 

The £370k programme of work will be carried out under a convoy traffic management system between 7am Saturday the 14th and 6am on Monday the 23rd of July.

Alan Murray, Scotland TranServ’s Principal Roads Design Engineer said:

“As part of our £1.5Million summer investment into the resurfacing of the A76, we will be carrying out this short programme of work to improve more than a kilometre of the trunk road network in Dumfries and Galloway. The resurfacing programme is the longest of the suite of projects we are carrying out across the summer months.
“Scotland TranServ has worked with local authorities and key stakeholders to carefully schedule the works to avoid impacting on major local events and limit the potential disruption to an absolute minimum. The width of the trunk road in this area and the nature of the programme, allows us to implement a convoy system to manage the traffic flow and manage the safety of the travelling public and our workers.”

The convoy system will be operated:

  • Between 7am and 6pm (daytime) on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th July, and
  • Between 7pm and 6am (overnight) from Monday 16th until Monday 23rd of July

Temporary traffic signals will be in place at all other times throughout the period of works.

Scotland TranServ’s Planned Maintenance Manager, Evan Ferguson added:

“The A76 is one of the most exposed trunk roads in South West Scotland, and was significantly affected by repeated freeze-thaw cycles during our prolonged winter. Scotland TranServ has accelerated a number of projects to address these carriageway defects, which are now being rolled out across the summer months.”


This concentrated programme of improvements for the A76 is one of a number of such schemes being scheduled by Scotland TranServ to deliver long-term benefits to commuters, local communities and businesses across South West Scotland on behalf of Transport Scotland.


Andy Fraser, Scotland TranServ’s Operating Company Representative concluded:


“Across South West Scotland, we’re working on behalf of Transport Scotland to prioritise such road maintenance issues and deliver our road surface improvement projects as quickly, efficiently and safely as possible.”

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